How do I manage the sadness of having to let go of so many people, places and things that I loved?

When you let go, you are actually in creation-mode, clearing space, ready to build something new. But that energetic attachment to the old is normal, because it is part of being human to love your former creations or those things which were once a part of you or made you who you are up until this point. Sometimes it feels as though loss is all there is, and that nothing new will ever come, and you will just be saying goodbye over and over again.

However, the endings are beginnings, and it is all part of the same circle that spins around you, and it’s only a matter of perspective as to where you choose to jump in and experience something specific. But then you get attached to that singular point in space and time and you can’t move around to other points that would be equally energizing for you. You can’t experience another point if you stay stuck in this one. So you have to let go and trust, as you free-fall into another moment where Life will rise up to meet you and provide everything you need. Letting go, detaching, and moving on with grace is the work…but it can be effortless if you allow that energy of emotion to flow through and out and to transform into something new.

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About Dawn

Art Maker / Nature Lover / Soul Seeker

One response to “HIGHER SELF DIALOGUE”

  1. G.S. says :

    So nice 😍 It was much needed.


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