Picture This

I really missed blogging but kept hearing that “the blog is dead.” Thankfully, it isn’t, and there are still people in the the world who love to read and write. I have started a new chapter over on Substack. Please follow me there!

Picture This Substack

Goodnight, Sweet Prince

I’m saddened to learn that Louis Scheeder, a great Shakespearean scholar, professor and director, passed today.

Louis was the first person I encountered in my adult professional life who made me feel that I was capable of doing the kind of work I wanted to do on stage. I worked with him a few times but playing Goneril in a production of King Lear he directed remains one of my all-time favorite acting experiences.

He was kind, rigorous, matter-of-fact, deeply thoughtful and always passionate. He fueled on black tea and bananas during long rehearsal days. I could hear Shakespeare’s musicality because of him.

I’ll never forget a brief conversation we had one night before a dress rehearsal. I was anxious, wondering if I could deliver, and I don’t know if he knew I was doubting myself. But he said something to me that forever changed how I looked at Shakespeare, acting in general, and myself. I have called upon those words in every single performance I’ve ever done. I even thought of him last week as I read through some Greek text.

It’s sobering when yet another brilliant and visionary artist leaves us. I’m beyond grateful that I knew him even a little and for his profound impact on my life and work. 💔


I’m excited to share that I will be participating in the June Narrative Lab with Stowe Story Labs for my television pilot, Cheat Out. I was also a fellowship finalist for this Lab. I’ve already discovered that I will be in excellent company and know I will learn so much. Very grateful for this opportunity.